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hyperrealistic frog keychain two matching rubber frogs frog keychain several plastic frogs keroppi figure round green frog plush small red frog plush crochet blue frog in a hat jar of many tiny plastic frogs frog-shaped stone flowerpot stone frog statue yellow frog instrument large mug shaped like keroppi's head dark green ceramic frog several small plastic frogs pale green weighted frog plush two matching rubber frog keychains

There are currently 103 glow-in-the-dark frogs, 22 toys, 1 Keroppi figure, 1 mug, 4 keychains, 4 plushies, 1 frog instrument, and 3 misc. figurines, for a total of 139 frogs!

what's this?

This is my frog collection! It includes all my three-dimensional, displayable, recognizably frog-shaped objects. That may not be the most clear metric, but it basically just means I don't count frog-themed clothing, jewelry, posters, etc. I have those, too, though. If you noticed the "FROGS" entry in my status on the homepage and wondered what that was about, this is it!

This page was last updated March 12th, 2025.

why frogs?

I don't really know! I collected a lot of things as a kid (keys, rocks, cicada shells, and so on...) and one of those things happened to be toy frogs. I had other animal toys, too, of course, but the frogs were the only ones I specifically kept together. They lived in a big ziplock bag, which disappeared from my room sometime around middle school, probably because I decided having a bag of plastic amphibians was uncool. Years later, I realized this was a stupid decision, and that having a frog collection was actually extremely cool, but I assumed that my original frogs had already hopped away forever... :-[

That is, until I offhandedly mentioned the Frog Bag to my mom, and learned that she had apparently been keeping it in storage for the past 10+ years. Overjoyed at being reunited with my long-lost frogs, I decided to re-dedicate myself to my collection. Today, my amphibious army numbers over 100 strong! I love them all very much, and I find great joy in counting and cataloguing them. Since you bothered to click on this page and read this, I hope they brought you some joy, too!

digital frogs

My collection of links, graphics, and other fun frog-related stuff online!

My pond also gets many digital frog visitors. Sometimes you might even see them trying to escape onto the page! No need to worry, but feel free to gently put them back in the water if you like...

To see even more, visit my frog graphics collection.


  • Background is by Yooko Studio; attribution: Fish Vectors by Vecteezy.
  • All photos on this page are mine, with the exception of the last plushie. That one is from Target lol.
  • Please do NOT use or repost my pictures of my physical collection.
  • All other graphics were scavenged from the web. Message me if you know the credits for any of them.

Thanks for visiting, and have a frogulous day!