
What's up! I'm Ix, I'm in my 20s, and obviously I really like Final Fantasy! Or at least some of Final Fantasy. I am also a hater. Nice to meet you!

As stated on my homepage, the goal of this site is to express myself (yadda yadda web manifesto here), and, more importantly, to write about stuff I have thoughts on. Usually "stuff" ends up being video games, as I have a debilitating obsession with JRPGs, dating back to a fateful day in 2011 when I picked up Golden Sun: Dark Dawn in a GameStop. More on that here.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy clicking around and reading my longwinded thoughts, my overly intense liveblogging, and my media analysis that probably hovers somewhere around the mesopelagic zone.* You might also find some thoughts that aren't even about video games. Have fun!

* (that means it's not surface level, but still not the deepest) (it also means my writing is possibly inhabited by blobfish)


pixel gif of dagger from final fantasy 9 Not a comprehensive list or anything, but here's some stuff that I really like. If you want to know my thoughts on specific entries of any of the game series listed, you can go here, because I have a lot of opinions and love to make lists.

  • games: final fantasy, tales of, legend of zelda, ace attorney, golden sun
  • shows: code geass, fullmetal alchemist (2003 > manga > fmab), naruto
  • other: DND, gamedev
fun facts!
  • You can write/pronounce my name however you'd like! Ix, IX, 9, are all okay with me. I think it's fun.
  • My favorite animal cat :-] but I also really like frogs, and I collect them.
  • My favorite pokemon is Psyduck!
  • I studied computer science and Japanese in school.
  • The characters on this page are some of my favorite characters of all time!