archived updates


Finally got around to digitizing my FROG COLLECTION. Check it out if you love frogs!!! If you don't love frogs what are you doing!!!

Uploaded the first part of my golden sun shrine!. More to come at some point.

I've been stressing over/contemplating my lack of activity on this site so much that I decided I may as well write about it. Happy new year!


Made some updates to make my site more accessible (mostly adding alt text, hiding elements, & fixing my header ordering...oops), organized my links page a bit more, and FINALLY made a (very low effort) button so people can link me LOL. It's on my links page if you want it!

I've been playing so much animal crossing lately that I went and made a little page about my town. Not sure if that quite qualifies as a shrine, but that's where I'm filing it...

I set up my code geass-themed journal page! No real entries as of yet, but it looks pretty awesome IMO.

apologies for not updating my site in so long! currently working on the last few fixes to the journal, so i can start posting liveblogs for real soon... did you know you can barely style anything about dropdown menu options? now i do! maybe one day i'll make a workaround but for now i'm deciding it's not worth the effort :'[

Finally figured out the system I want to use to organize my journal, and wrote my first few entries on how I set it up! Go read them if you want to bear witness to my struggle.

Finally finished writing up my massive page of video game opinions LMAO. Check it out if you want? Also I either finished, or added placeholders for all of my current pages! There's nothing really on the journal or shrine pages yet, but I think this is a good start to my website!! Gonna take a little break to focus on some other stuff now...but I'll be back with more soon >:)

My about me page is finished! But now I need to make a page listing all my opinions on all my favorite video game series b/c I'm obnoxious like that, but I didn't want to overload the page.

homepage is finished! featuring: a chatbox, playable/pausable music when you click THE LIZARD, a hit counter, custom moogle cursor, and new fonts/text formatting!!! YIPPEE! let me know what you think of it :D

Almost finished setting up my homepage! I still want to integrate a guestbook, and maybe a music player, but my site is really coming together :3